
Our Compact With Nature Is Indispensable


As an Anishinaabekwe Water Walker from Neyaashiinigming (Land Surrounded By Water), I am dedicated to the land and water. Protecting the environment within our territory and surrounding areas has always been important to me.

I was born of this land and am connected to it through life and love of it. As I walked the Bruce Trail in ceremony I came to know and see the land and waters throughout the Niagara Escarpment. I understand the preciousness of life within it. If we work together and build relationships we can find solutions to preserve it. Let’s use knowledge from all our brothers and sisters plus organizations within our Biosphere. Building skills with other grassroots organizations will be effective in making decisions for our collective future.

As a network, we draw strength from the shared values of our colleagues (from a range of organizations, agencies, and businesses) for their dedication and passion for keeping the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere an ecological wonder. In this issue of our Biosphère de l’Escarpement du Niagara newsletter, we provide expressions from several of our partners concerning their love of the land and waters and living plants and creatures that comprise the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere. These include the Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association, Bruce Peninsula Bird Observatory, Grimsby Wetlands Project of the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club, Bruce Trail Conservancy, Cape Croker Park of the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy, Sources of Knowledge Forum, and the Niagara Peninsula Geopark. These voices constitute a powerful representative sample of the many groups that seek to sustain the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere in a good way.

I am new to the type of work that is required for the NEBN. We are grateful for any input that would assist us. Please read this newsletter and give us your thoughts on how we can grow and improve our Network family.



Charlene Winger, Water Walker

Vice President and Vice Chair
